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About Permaculture

A permaculture garden is inspired by the way nature works, without chemical additions such as pesticides, herbicides or fertilisers. The main rule is to keep the soil covered at all times and encourage the biodiversity of a living soil.

It is a vision of a beautiful place, that produces food, knowledge and useful activities whilst at the same time improving the soil, water, air quality and the sharing between humans.

Permaculture is not just a gardening method. It is based on the collaboration between plants but also collaboration between humans.

The permacultural path goes towards a collective transition for a more sustainable way of life, more able to adapt to any new changes, either climatic, economic or pandemic.

“Work with nature and humans. "

Permaculture is also a personal journey, a choice to be part of the solution for a life with more awareness, more fairness and solidarity, with less waste and overconsumption.

It is a choice to promote local resources instead of global ones to build a future in line with our values and intentions.

“Live more simply so that others can simply live. "

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